Welcome to our first crime update newsletter published by the KEROA Safety and Security Portfolio.
This newsletter will be published on a monthly basis on our website, generally in the middle of each month, once we have received the crime statistics from SAPS for the previous month.
In this newsletter we intend to highlight the number of crimes that were reported to SAPS and those that we have received via other channels, such as WhatsApp, since these might not always be reported to SAPS.
If a crime has been committed, no matter how small or insignificant, we urge the community to always report the crime to Midrand SAPS so that it is recorded and appropriate action can be taken to prevent it from happening again in future.
We also advise all residents to ensure that they are on the “Midrand Sector 4 Emergency Only” WhatsApp group that is run by the Sector 4 Crime Form (SCF) team and report all crimes and emergencies there. We are very fortunate to have a strong and active SCF team in our area and the patrollers are always willing to assist where possible. If you are not on this WhatsApp group yet and would like to be added, please send an email to security@keroa.co.za containing your name, surname, physical address and cellphone number.
Crime Overview
In December 2022 we had a relatively peaceful month in the Kyalami AH Ext 1 area with very little crimes reported. This however changed in January as there was a noticeable increase of reported crimes, some involving direct contact with residents.
One of the main threats that we are currently facing is a group of 4 suspects that are active within the area as well as surrounding neighbourhoods. Many of the crimes that took place during January within our area is directly related to this group.
The Midrand Sector 4 SCF team, along with Midrand SAPS and various private security companies have been very active to target this specific group, however there has been no success yet.
The main area being targeted thus far by this group seems to be around Maple, Galanthus, Zinnia and Rose roads.
We urge residents to be alert and report any suspicious vehicles or persons in the area to their private security companies, or to the Sector 4 SCF team via their WhatsApp group.
January Statistics
Crimes reported to Midrand SAPS: 7
Category | Number of Crimes |
Burglary at Residential Premises | 1 |
Common Assault | 1 |
House Robbery | 3 |
Theft from a Motor Vehicle (Parts and Accessories) | 2 |
Crimes reported via WhatsApp Security Groups: 6
Please have a look at our online incident map, located here. We update this map will all incidents that we are made aware of.
Kind regards,
KEROA Safety and Security