Keeping the environment that we live in neat and tidy is in an important part of KEROA. We will have various ongoing projects you can join to help ensure that Kyalami AH Ext 1 is a beautiful place to live and work in.

Regular cleanup sessions will be arranged where we ask community members to join in and help. This could be by helping to cut grass, pick up litter and beautifying gardens or other open spaces.

KEROA members will be notified via the WhatsApp group of upcoming events.

We ask that all members join in and/or provide tools, staff members or snacks for the people involved in the cleanup.

Important Numbers

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JPZ)

Number: (011) 375 5555 / 0860 56 2874

Email Address:

Please be informed that all service requests relating to emergency fallen trees/branches must be directed to the City of Johannesburg call center.