Safety and security is one of the primary concerns that citizens of South Africa has. Crime affects every single person and has a devastating affect on the wellbeing of people and the economy.
Kyalami AH Ext 1, while still relatively safe, has in the past couple of years seen an increase in crime due to the lack of a comprehensive security solution.
If one considers the surrounding suburbs, one will notice security features that has been put in place such as:
- Street cameras with offsite monitoring
- Road closures
- A single private security company contracted to look after the area
Advantages of a Safer Area
There are many advantages to improving the security of the area. Some of them include:
- Improved well being of residents
- Greater business confidence in the area
- Greater enjoyment of outdoor activities
- Increased property values
Our goal
The goal for KEROA is to put in place a comprehensive security solution that consists of multiple measures such as the ones shown above to ensure the safety and security of residents in the area over the coming months and years ahead.
Where are we now
Implementing a comprehensive security solution that includes a dedicated security team, road closures as well as a camera network with off site monitoring costs a huge amount of money every month, something KEROA cannot afford at this stage.
We therefore decided to take smaller steps and start implementing street cameras as and when funds become available. So far we have put in 1 camera pole with 3 cameras, and will soon set up a second pole.
We are lucky to have a very strong CPF working in the area along with various private security companies and the Midrand SAPS.
Many residents have also implemented very sophisticated security measure at their own homes. All of this helps to contribute to the overall safety of the area. But to move forward, we now need to look at expanding these security measures from individual homes to a wider area.
A saying we like to live by is, “If you are safe in your own home, you are able to help your neighbors. Once you are able to help your neighbors and they are safe, your community is safe.”
The KEROA committee members are also fully aware that not all residents can constantly provide funding, and have implemented another strategy which is to host regular events in order to raise funds for security measures. These events are not only targeted at local residents but also people from other areas who would be interested in joining the event.
We urge residents to become KEROA members (please click here) and become actively involved, not just financially but by giving us your mandate to improve the safety and security of the area.
We would like to ask residents to assist with funding for the various security measures that we would like to put in place.
A contribution of any amount into the KEROA bank account will help to build up the funds available for security measures at a later stage.
When making the payment or setting up the monthly deposit, please use the reference “Security” so that the funds can be ringfenced for security measures only.
Greater area security working group
One of the key areas the KEROA security committee will be to establish a greater area security working group consisting of the members from adjacent RA’s who are responsible for their security portfolios.
The main focus of this working group will be to form partnerships with our neighbouring areas and help each other out to improve the overall security for all residents.
Other safety structures
Kyalami AH Ext 1 falls within Sector 4 of the Midrand SAPS precinct. Within Sector 4, there is an active group of CPF members who take on the task of fighting crime in the area.
We are extremely lucky to have such an active group of patrollers in the area and KEROA urges all residents to join the “Sector 4 Emergency Only” WhatsApp group that is run by the patrollers. One does not have to be a KEROA member to be part of this group.
How can you help?
The basis of all security measures starts with yourself. Apart from funding KEROA, we urge residents of the area to take up ownership of the below tasks and if ever advice or assistance is needed, we welcome you to reach out to the KEROA committee to assist.
Grass and Tree Cutting
The sidewalks of the roads in the area needs to be kept clear of long grass. Criminals can easily hide along the roads where the grass is long, making it difficult to impossible for security teams to see them.
Owners of properties which are mostly open veld, need to ensure that the grass is kept short. This not only helps to prevent criminals from using the properties to hide, but also helps to slow down veld fires which could cause damage to buildings, fences and livestock.
Trees that are growing on the sidewalks where branches are growing over fences or walls, need to be trimmed to prevent criminals from using them to get into a property. Brushes needs to be cleared to prevent hiding places for criminals.
Please note that residents may not cut trees on the sidewalks and this must be done by the JRA. Tickets should be logged and followed up with the local ward counselor.
Litter along the roads in the area needs to be cleared on a regular basis. This includes illegal signage. While one might not relate litter to crime, it adds to urban decay and having a clean environment gives an indication that an area is well run and the community is aware of their surroundings.
Any open property that currently does not have fencing, should be fenced. Open properties allows criminals to move easily between and onto other properties. An additional threat that open properties allow is for illegal structures to be erected.
Alarm Systems
Residents of the area should on a regular basis check their fences, beams and alarm systems to ensure that they are working correctly. This can be done in conjunction with their private security companies. With the amount of load shedding taking place, the batteries in these systems do not last long as the batteries are not designed for the extended periods of power outages.
Loadshedding has had a major impact on security systems in homes. Most systems such as electric gate motors, electric fences, garage doors and alarm systems have backup batteries that allows these systems to run during short power outages.
Due to the extensive loadshedding we have experienced, these batteries are quickly depleted and no longer hold their charge. It is therefore suggested that residents replace these batteries every 3 months with the same type of batteries in the case of lead acid batteries, or, replace the batteries with LifoPo4 batteries.
If a solar charging option are available, it would be recommended to add this to security systems to ensure that they are always on.
Important Numbers
Midrand SAPS: 0113471600/1/2/3
Sector 4 SAPS Vehicle: 0716756112
COJ METRO (JMPD): 0113755911
SAPS: 10111
All emergencies: 112 (cellphone)
Netcare 911: 082911
ER24: 084124
Emer-G-Med: 0861007911
Gauteng EMS: 101777 / 112
Midrand SPCA: 0112659935
SPCA emergency: 0834411564/5 (hunting with dogs)
Illegal dumping: 0827791361
Illegal dumping PIKITUP: 0116881500
JMPD reckless driving: 0814106338
Depression and Anxiety Group: 0800456789
Contact Us
If you would like to provide input or raise security related concerns, please make use of the below form.